The rules concerning kosher pasta for Passover: |
1/14/2015 | |
For most of the year, pasta is a kosher food for Jewish cooks, as long as it is made without dairy products, or using meat ingredients which would not be suitable for eating in a traditional Jewish diet... For most of the year, pasta is a kosher food for Jewish cooks, as long as it is made without dairy products, or using meat ingredients which would not be suitable for eating in a traditional Jewish diet. However, while it is suitable for use most months of the year, it is completely unsuitable for Passover. This is because Jewish traditions prevent the eating of leavened food, including food made from cereals unless it is prepared under very restricted conditions. In most cases, standard pasta is not made to these requirements, and is therefore unsuitable for eating during Passover. Pasta and Passover During the Passover period, Jewish people restrict their eating habits. They are not allowed to eat grains, including cereals such as wheat, barley and oats, during this period. These grains are known as Chometz, and are associated with leavening. During the Passover, when leavened foods are forbidden, these grains are not eaten. In addition, most Americans also choose to avoid corns or rice, regarding any grains, pulses or beans which can be made into flour to be on the list of forbidden foods. In addition, all foods which are eaten during Passover must be free from contaminates which might produce a leavening effect in the flour. This includes egg, and means that all fresh pasta products are forbidden for the Passover period, since these often contain egg. The rules regarding shellfish are also still in place, so Jewish people will also avoid 'black' pasta, made from squid ink. What to buy instead If you want to stick to kosher pasta during the Passover period, then you need to find a product which is completely free of all grains and also from eggs and leavening products. This is often known as 'potato pasta', and is made using dried potato flour, shaped into traditional pasta patterns. As it is made from a root vegetable, potato pasta is not subject to the same rules and requirements that restrict the use of grain pasta, and potato flour is Kosher during that period. However, in order to be completely kosher, it must be prepared under supervision, in order to ensure that there is no contamination while the product is being made, and so that flours are not accidentally introduced into the pasta. Where to find kosher pasta for Passover If you want to eat pasta in the holiday period, then potato pasta is the best way to ensure that you are not contaminated. Due to the lack of cereal in the product, it is gluten free, which means that it is becoming popular with those who don't observe the diet, and putting it onto supermarket shelves. However, you may want to purchase your potato pasta from a kosher supermarket, as this ensures that it is completely risk-free. |