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Blog  » 7 Tips To Selecting The Correct Cut For Your Recipe

7 Tips To Selecting The Correct Cut For Your Recipe

Posted By: Avi Glatt   On: 01/06/2013   Under:  Cooking Tips and Tricks
By using these 7 tips and tricks you can create a successful meat shopping trip and purchase all of the cuts you may
need for your recipes

If you are like most shoppers, you see a recipe and go out and purchase the cut of meat to make that recipe. Most buyers may be
confused about the actual cut of meat, and better yet how to choose the cut of meat.

By applying the following 7 Tips To Selecting The Correct Cut For Your Recipe you not only will make a great recipe, but will gain
knowledge for shopping for future recipes.

01.Check tenderness and leanness of the beef cuts before purchasing it.

02.Check the sell by date on the package. As a general rule, you can purchase that meat on, or before the sell by date.

03.Get familiar of the cuts based on the anatomy of the animal, and then based on the meat terminology used for that body part.

04.Check for liquids. Meat that has been stored in temperatures above 40 degrees, taste may often be questionable. If the meat is cold, then the package should have no liquids.

05.Check firmness of roasts and steaks. By applying some pressure with your index finger on the package, you can test the firmness. If the roast is soft, then that is a purchase you should avoid.

06.Choose the correct colored beef cuts.
Veal is usually a white color or a light pink colored meat. If you are choosing packages of beef cuts, you should choose meat that is red colored and with a thin layer white fat around the edge.

07. Make friends with the butcher. One of the advantages of kosher meat markets you can ask about the best types of cuts of meats for a recipe. In addition you can sometimes ask about recipes as well.

An additional tip is if you purchase flavored beef, ask the butcher for a cooking time, and best way to cook so that your beef retains
flavor and shape in your recipe. One last tip: avoid purchasing for long term storage tenderized meat because the tenderizing process tends to push out juices that essential to properly cooking meat.

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