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Blog  » How to make great College Care Packages: Best and Simplest Way Ever!

How to make great College Care Packages: Best and Simplest Way Ever!

Posted By: Avi Glatt   On: 01/09/2013   Under:  Main
Creating care packages for a college student is probably one of the best way to send a "piece of home" and love to your
favorite student. These suggestions will help you  prepare the best college car package ever!

Going to college is usually indicative of a stage in life that not only affects the young adult going off on her or his own but the mom who helped them.

This change usually indicates that a child has evolved into an adult and is now almost a new person physically, and emotionally. Moms on the other hand tend not to evolve on such a substantial level.

At home, a mom can see even the subtle changes her child goes through. At college, despite knowing a college student needs their time to adjust to being an adult and or separating from mom, the time goes by.

College students life can go through such changes such as doing homework and a quick meal or snack instead of going home to mom and getting a hug or a family meal.

All of these feelings are what a college student and a mom goes through. A popular method of dealing with these changes is to call each other as often as possible.

Sending college care packages is another way to connect to your college aged child. The care package can contain your college aged child's favorite brands or favorite foods that don't spoil. Food is a better choice than junk food.

In addition to those remember home goodies you may want to include pictures of family members your child may not have seen in a couple of months including his or her  favorite pet.

The care package should be from mom, but mature enough for the new young man or young woman your child is becoming. It should contain an amount of products that you want to spoil your child with and the products that your child needs.

Another type of care package can be a celebration care package. Care packages for exams,successful tests and small celebrations that you may not be there when your child experiences this.

Sending care packages often to your college age child helps him or her still feel mom's love, and connectedness to the rest of the family. It helps build continuity,and closeness while respecting the adult man or woman your child is becoming.

If you choose to send a care package of fresh meals you can always order fresh-made food for delivery. If you choose this option you should coordinate the arrival of the package so that your child can get the food put away properly.

You can even order these types of packages online or you can contact us to help create such a package. At aviglatt.com we create fresh-made food, and offer free shipping (ground) with orders see our website for special rules.

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