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Blog  » Kosher Meals

Kosher Meals

Posted By: AVI GLATT   On: 09/24/2014   Under:  All About Kosher
If you want to stock up on ready to eat kosher meals, then finding an online supplier can be a great idea. It is estimated that about two thirds of all packaged foods are able to comply with kosher requirements in the US, and the majority of large food suppliers choose to have certification from Orthodox groups. Being able to obtain a certificate like this is more than just about having a rabbi bless the food, or observe its creation. Instead, the care in preparation and the ingredients used are what make a meal kosher. It is therefore important to check your meal supplier is really able to meet all the demands of a truly kosher meal.

Ready to eat kosher meals online

If you want to stock up on ready to eat kosher meals, then finding an online supplier can be a great idea. It is estimated that about two thirds of all packaged foods are able to comply with kosher requirements in the US, and the majority of large food suppliers choose to have certification from Orthodox groups. Being able to obtain a certificate like this is more than just about having a rabbi bless the food, or observe its creation. Instead, the care in preparation and the ingredients used are what make a meal kosher. It is therefore important to check your meal supplier is really able to meet all the demands of a truly kosher meal.

What makes some food kosher?

In order to ensure that your kosher meals are really fitting for a Jewish religious diet, it is important to understand what makes foods kosher. The ingredients, of course, which mean that only kosher animals, slaughtered in the accepted way or producing by-products in the approved way, will be able to supply the meal maker with their ingredients. This includes not only meat products, but also dairy, cheese, and fish products too.

The other issue that can make a meal kosher or not, is the preparation of the food. Before the meal is made, all ingredients which are non-kosher have to be completely cleaned away, including wiped from equipment, tools and surfaces. Even the steam or water which the food is prepared with must be without contamination by a non-kosher foodstuff. The preparation must also be performed by those of the Jewish faith, rather than just any member of staff. This makes the whole process of creating kosher food that much more complicated.

Buying kosher foods online

The world has adjusted to online selling, including of foods and drinks. If you are ordering kosher meals online, you have no way of seeing for yourself whether the food is kosher or not. This can make it more uncertain, and it can be hard to find ways to reassure yourself that the food is suitable for consumption. The most obvious thing to look for is certification by a rabbi or Jewish authority, who will be able to confirm that the meals are made according to Jewish law. You may also want to talk to the officials who granted the licence in order to confirm that the law has been followed.

Once you are satisfied that you will be eating meals which have been prepared following Jewish requirements, you can then start to order what you want. You might prefer to buy several items of each meal, so that you can store them securely in the freezer, and won't have to place another order for several months.

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